Doing what you love and earning money at the same time is undoubtedly anyone's dream job. Traveling and photography are two most promising hobbies you can use for earning money. Combine the two hobbies and get even more benefit.
Here are some things you need to prepare for travel photography:
1. Have your own camera. This is the most basic requirement you need as a travel photographer. Do some research to figure out which camera suits you well.
2. Learn the right mindset and techniques from photography classes and books.
3. Be aware of and sensitive to once-in-a-lifetime events or things that might happen around you.
4. Always have your camera ready on the go. Be always prepared for capturing unique moments out there.
5. Learn about the places you are planning to visit. Get to know the landmarks, tourist attractions, local customs, exhibitions, and local cuisine in your destination.
6. Create online portfolio. Online portfolio is helpful to introduce your shots to larger audience and connect with other photography enthusiasts.
7. Promote yourself. Once the portfolio completes, get ready for the real job. Work for the tourism section in a tabloid, magazine, or anywhere you can use your photography skills.
8. Make a good first impression with outstanding work ethics and skills. You have to stand out if you want to succeed in this field.
Now, as you are fully prepared for the professional traveling photographer post, it is time to start earning more money from the job.
Write Hotel Reviews for Travel Agents
Many travel agents and websites are more than willing to pay you for reviews and photos of hotels and hostels. This is your opportunity to earn a little extra cash while traveling. Your hotel reviews will be more convincing if you actually have the experience of staying at the said place.
Put Advertisements in Your Photography Blog
Good photos of attractive places or events will invite travel and photography enthusiasts to your blog. Join affiliate marketing by posting ad banners or writing product reviews in your blog. The more people visit your blog, the better chance you'll get the money from the ads.
Sell Stock Photos
Join stock photography websites that accommodate and sell your travel photographs. Your selling stock photos for designers who look for instant pictures for low budgeted projects can be beneficial. When these designers download your work, you will be properly rewarded.
Participate in Competitions
This is probably not a real job, but if you are quite adept in photography, participating in some photographic competitions never hurts. The prize you get from a competition can be higher than what you get from selling regular photos.
Write and Sell Photography Book
With photo book you can reach your customer directly. Photo book functions just like a photo blog for people who opt for the printed version. Your book can function as a bible for travelers as well as an inspiration for other traveling photographers.
Now that you know how to become a traveling photographer and earn money from it, it's time for you to take action by picking your camera, order a ticket to travel, and start capturing moments!